Our Refund Policy

Continuing Education Courses

Our refund policy lasts 15 days. If 15 days has passed since your purchase, we will not offer a refund or exchange.

To be eligible for a refund, the course you purchased must meet the following.

       1. Be within 15 days of purchase. 

       2. The course exam has not been started, (In some courses the exam is with in the course). 

       3. The course certificate has not been claimed.

We appreciate your business.

TMC Tutorial Courses

Our refund policy lasts 30 days. If 30 days has passed since your purchase, we will not offer a full refund.

To be eligible for a refund, the course you purchased must meet the following.

       1. Be within 30 days of purchase. 

       2.  No more than one course module started/completed.  Once the second module has been started no refund will granted.  

      We appreciate your business.

Contact us at customer.service@rcped.com for questions related to refunds and returns.