"Achieve greater success preparing for the TMC exam with our preparation course. We offer a unique one-of-a-kind course for only $35.00!  We help you identify your weaker areas of content and design a focused study plan just for you. You won't waste time studying what you already know. Instead, you'll study only what you need to.  All the study materials, additional resources, and practice exams needed to be successful are within this incredible program. This is indeed a unique program provided at this unbelievably low price.”

We provide a short sample course in one area. The sample coursed is limited but provides a feel of the course - check it out.

Available courses

RespiraLearn Portal

RCPed.org offers a comprehensive range of resources tailored to support respiratory students in accessing supplementary tools. These tools have been specifically developed to aid students in comprehending various therapy modalities and addressing challenging subject matter.  Designed in a responsive format use on your phone, IPAD, or computer. With a duration of 180 days at $25.00 a little more than $4.00 a month.  


Sample Course

A limited sample of the course for your review.   

TMC Preparation Course

Dive into a unique educational experience with our TMC Preparation Course, meticulously crafted to align with your individual learning requirements. This innovative course helps you swiftly pinpoint and strengthen your areas of weakness through a personalized study strategy. Our efficiently designed modules direct you to the vital content and study aids, streamlining your study process and focusing on areas that need the most attention. This course provides you with a comprehensive array of learning tools on an easy-to-navigate digital platform. You'll have access to a vast range of resources, including detailed thematic modules, unlimited diagnostic quizzes, practice tests, and predictive exams, all aimed at deepening your understanding of the material. With an accessible price of just $…